Dento-Facial Aesthetics
Your smile, or any facial expression for that matter, involves more than just the teeth. As a trained professional, we can provide wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers.
At Parkwood Green Dental, we use safe, minimally invasive techniques and materials to painlessly enhance the overall aesthetics of your smile and the surrounding areas. Anti-wrinkle injections are also used to prevent fine lines from appearing around the mouth.
Fillers can be used to fill deficient gum spaces between your teeth (‘the black triangles’), enhance lip volume (pain free of course!), correct naso-labial folds, corners of the mouth or ‘marionette lines’.
Each treatment is carefully tailored to suit your individual needs with the ultimate goal in mind – to create the most beautiful ‘frame’ for your smile, and that you feel comfortable in your own skin, without looking ‘unnatural.’ Book your obligation free, complementary consultation today!
Medical emergencies and acute injuries will be seen promptly and do not require an appointment.