How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

August 13, 2024 by Aaron Smith

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

When considering dental crowns, one question patients often ask is how long their dental crowns will last. Understanding this is crucial for planning your treatment and gaining the best long-term outcomes for your smile.

Here is some essential information you need to know that influences your crown’s durability and key insights on how you can maximise their lifespan.

Are dental crowns lifelong?

First, it’s necessary for patients to understand that no dental treatment is permanent. The longevity of dental crowns depends significantly on your care and maintenance. While crowns are durable, their lifespan is influenced by several factors.

With proper care, a well-fitted crown can last between 5 and 15 years, and sometimes even longer. However, how long do dental crowns last is contingent on various factors that impact how well they hold up over time.

Key Factors Affecting the Longevity of Dental Crowns
Type of Crown Used

An essential thing concerning longevity is the different types of crowns being used.

Metal crowns, often made from durable gold or silver alloys, are celebrated for their remarkable strength and resistance to wear, making them a preferred choice for the back teeth where durability is crucial.Porcelain crowns, on the other hand, closely replicate the look of natural teeth and are susceptible to chipping compared to metal, making them ideal for the front teeth where visual appeal is paramount.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns blend a robust metal core with a porcelain overlay, providing both durability and a natural appearance, striking a balance between strength and aesthetics. Lastly, Zirconia crowns are highly esteemed for their exceptional strength and visual appeal, offering high resistance to fractures and are versatile enough to be used on both anterior and posterior teeth. Whether it’s porcelain, metal, or zirconia dental crowns, each has its own unique benefits and can affect their longevity as they age.

Fabrication Process

Beyond the type and materials used, the craftsmanship of the crown plays a crucial role in its longevity. A crown must be accurately measured and constructed to ensure a proper fit and alignment. This precision helps avoid issues such as over-contour margins or an uneven bite, which can impact the crown’s lifespan.

Crown Placement

The placement of the crowned tooth in your mouth plays a significant role in determining its longevity. Crowns positioned on the back teeth, which are subjected to substantial chewing forces, are more likely to experience increased wear and tear over time. Additionally, the accessibility of back molars for cleaning can be challenging, potentially leading to accelerated crown deterioration if not properly maintained.

To ensure dental crowns remain in good condition, it is essential to adhere to diligent oral hygiene practices. Utilising a soft-bristle toothbrush and applying circular brushing techniques can help maintain the cleanliness and longevity of your crown, mitigating issues related to plaque buildup and wear.

Expertise of Your Dentist

The skill and experience of your dentist are vital to the success of your crown. A highly skilled professional will ensure that your crown fits perfectly and adheres to your specific needs. Their experience delivers the best possible results for your dental crowns, contributing to their durability.

Types of Food Consumed

Your diet significantly impacts the life span of your crowns. Eating hard foods such as ice, nuts, or candy can cause crowns to chip or fracture over time, compromising their durability. Additionally, sticky foods that cling to your crowns may gradually loosen their fittings over time. Tobacco use further complicates matters by contributing to bone loss around the crown and adversely affecting its appearance, which may necessitate an earlier replacement.

Being mindful of your dietary choices and avoiding tobacco can help extend the life of your crowns and maintain their aesthetics.

Excessive Clenching

Teeth clenching is another factor that poses a significant threat to the lifespan of your crowns. To protect against this, a custom-fitted mouth guard can be used at night to shield the crowns from the effects of grinding, thereby extending their durability.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, the lifespan of crowns for teeth largely hinges on your diet, dental hygiene, and overall care. By adhering to some good practices, you can maximise the longevity of your crowns.

If you have questions about dental crowns or need personalised advice on your treatment, we at Parkwood Green Dental can help. Our dentists will provide all the guidance and support you need to ensure your crowns serve you well for years to come. Book an appointment now.

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